Friday, February 6, 2009

OSHA Director To Headline Speakers At Kilgore College Safety Expo

KC to host sixth annual Safety & Health Expo Feb. 27

KILGORE, TX, Feb. 5, 2009 -- The Kilgore College Occupational Safety and Health department will host the sixth annual Safety & Health Expo in the Devall Student Center on the KC campus. The event is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Friday, Feb. 27.

Featured speaker for the event is Stephen Boyd from Dallas, who is the OSHA Area Director. Other speakers include Steven Carden, Brian Ruthven and J.R. Smith.

7:30 – 8 a.m., Registration, breakfast
8 – 9 a.m., “Workplace Violence” by Brian Ruthven
9 – 10 a.m., “OSHCON Update” by Steven Carden
10 – 10:30 a.m., Break/Vendor table visitation
10:30 – 11:30 a.m., “Operation Lifesaver” by J.R. Smith
11:30 – Noon, Break/Vendor table visitation
Noon – 1 p.m., “OSHA Update” by Stephen Boyd

Tables are currently available for any vendor interested in promoting their business. Tables are $300 per spot, tax deductable, provided by the KC student chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE).

“All proceeds from vendor tables and donations will benefit the KC student chapter in our goal of spreading the importance of safety throughout East Texas,” said Kamal Muhammad, ASSE president at KC.

Admission is free, but registration is recommended. Food will be served for breakfast free of charge to all who register.

For more information, or to register for the expo, contact Muhammad at (903) 917-3185.


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