TSCRA Pays Out Cash Reward Through Operation Cow Thief Program
Anonymous tip to Rangers nets reward and arrest.
FORT WORTH, TX Jan. 14, 2009 -- An informant from Van Zandt County received a reward through Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association’s (TSCRA) Operation Cow Thief, a program to reward those who offer information leading to the arrest and/or grand jury indictment of individuals for theft of livestock or related property.
The informant, who wishes to remain anonymous, provided valuable tips to TSCRA Special Ranger Jim Vanover. Based on the tips, Texas Ranger Brent Davis was able to arrest Richard Allen Graham for theft of livestock by check.
"We have been tracking Mr. Graham for quite some time," Vanover said. "We would not have made the arrest this quickly without the help of the informant."
"This case is another example of the importance of public awareness," Vanover continued. "With the help of the public and Operation Cow Thief, TSCRA Special Rangers are able to stop more criminal activity."
Graham wrote multiple insufficient checks totaling approximately $30,000 to the Winnsboro Livestock Sale. Theft by check of $20,000 but less than $100,000 is classified as a third degree felony and is punishable by up to ten years in prison and/or a fine not to exceed $10,000.
To provide information or to donate to TSCRA's Operation Cow Thief, call 888/830-2333.
Informants may remain anonymous.
TSCRA has 28 special rangers stationed strategically throughout Texas and Oklahoma who have in-depth knowledge of the cattle industry and are trained in all facets of law enforcement. All are commissioned as Special Rangers by the Texas Department of Public Safety and/or the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association is a 131-year-old trade organization whose 15,000 members manage approximately 4 million head of cattle on 51.5 million acres of range and pasture land, primarily in Texas and Oklahoma. TSCRA provides law enforcement services, livestock inspection, legislative and regulatory advocacy and educational opportunities for its members.