Athens Livestock Auction - Jan. 30, 2009
Feeder prices edge upwards, slaughter prices firm with good demand
ATHENS, TX, Jan. 30, 2009 -- Compared to last week, feeder steer prices firm to 2.00 higher. Feeder heifers steady to 2.00 higher. Slaughter cows and bulls steady, on good demand. Bulk supply Medium and Large 1-2 400-600 lb feeder steers and heifers.
Slaughter cows made up 6 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 3 percent, replacement cows 9 percent, and feeders 82 percent. The feeder supply included 68 percent steers and 32 percent heifers. Near 14 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs.
Cattle and Calves: 495
Week Ago: 984
Year Ago: N/A
Medium and Large 1:
300-400 lbs 113.00-117.00, individual 127.50;
400-500 lbs 108.00-110.00, few to 114.00;
500-600 lbs 95.00-100.00.
Medium and Large 2:
300-400 lbs 104.00-111.00;
400-500 lbs 94.00-101.00;
500-600 lbs 86.00-95.00;
600-700 lb calves 80.00-84.00;
700-800 lbs 70.00-77.00.
Medium and Large 2:
300-400 lbs 85.00-93.00;
400-500 lbs 83.00-91.00;
500-600 lbs 78.00-81.00.Slaughter Cows:
%Lean Weight Avg Dressing Hi Dressing Lo Dressing
Boners 80-85 1200-1600 43.00-48.00
Boners 80-85 1000-1200 42.50-46.50
Lean 85-90 1000-1200 30.00-38.00
Lean 85-90 800-1000 32.50-35.00 25.00-27.50
Slaughter Bulls:
Yield Grade 1-2 1300-2100 lbs 48.00-53.50
High Dressing 1725-2000 lbs 55.00-61.00
Replacement Cows:
Medium and Large 1-2: young 1010-1075 lb cows 5-8 months bred 61.00-70.00 CWT; middle aged 950-1140 lb cows 2-8 months bred 51.00-64.00 CWT;
aged 965-1115 lb cows 4-8 months bred 35.00-47.00 CWT.
Cow/Calf Pairs:
Medium and Large 1-2:
middle aged 980-1035 lb cows w/150-225 lb calves 750.00-910.00 per pair;
aged 825-1200 lb cows w/50-200 lb calves 340.00-680.00 per pair.
Source: Texas Dept of Ag Market News-USDA Market News, Amarillo, TX
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