Saturday, February 14, 2009

USDA Hay Report - Feb. 13, 2009

Local prices steady from last week, alternate roughage sources keep feedlot hay sales down

AMARILLO, TX, Feb. 13, 2009 -- Compared to last week, chopped alfalfa and large bales weaker with chopped alfalfa as much as 5.00-10.00 lower. Sellers are finding price resistance as buyers continue to look and find alternative roughage sources. Feedlots and dairies are trying to cheapen-up rations as fed cattle and milk prices move lower.

Sellers continue to try to move inventories of old crop in order to make room for new crops.

Drought conditions in most areas have depleted hay stocks, especially large rounds of grass hays. Livestock producers in severe drought areas have been forced to go out of normal marketing areas or out of the state to find hay needs. Many feedlots and dairy farms continue to contract hay and corn silage for next year.

The state of Texas Department of agriculture has the Hay and Grazing Hot Line set up for buyers and sellers, number is 1-877-429-1998. The web site for TDA is

Prices for hay and pellets quoted per ton except where noted.

Small Squares: Delivered:
Premium to Supreme quality 250.00-300.00, 8.00-10.00 per bale;
Good to Premium quality 200.00-250.00, 7.00-8.00 per bale.

Large Squares: Delivered:
Supreme to Premium quality 200.00-250.00;
Good to Premium quality 190.00-200.00;
Good quality 180.00-190.00;
Fair to Good quality 160.00-180.00.

Chopped Alfalfa:
Delivered to feedlots:
North: 175.00-180.00.
South: 175.00-185.00, instances 190.00.

Milo Hay: Ground and Delivered: 100.00.

Wheat Hay: Large rounds: Delivered: Good quality 110.00.

Sorghum Hay: Large rounds: Delivered: 80.00.

Prairie grass hay: FOB: large rounds: 105.00-110.00.

Haygrazer: Delivered: large rounds 125.00-135.00.

Coastal Bermuda: Delivered: large rounds 120.00.

West Texas:
Small Squares: FOB:
Premium to Supreme quality 240.00-300.00, 8.00-10.00 per bale;
Good to Premium quality 200.00-240.00; 7.00-8.00 per bale.

Large Squares: Delivered:
Premium to Supreme quality 225.00-250.00;
Good to Premium quality 190.00-225.00;
Good quality 160.00-190.00.

North, Central and East Texas:
Small Squares: Delivered:
Premium to Supreme quality 250.00-300.00, 8.00-10.00 per bale;
Good to Premium quality 7.00-8.00 per bale.

Small Squares: FOB:
Good to Premium quality 5.00-7.00 per bale in the barn.

Large Squares: Delivered:
Premium to Supreme quality 200.00-250.00;
Good to Premium quality 190.00-200.00;
Good quality 180.00-190.00.

Coastal Bermuda:
Small Squares: FOB:
Good to Premium quality 6.00-8.00 per bale; (last week 6.00-7.50)
Fair quality 5.00-6.00 per bale.

Large rounds: FOB:
Premium 70.00-80.00;
Good quality 50.00-70.00;
Fair quality 40.00-50.00 per roll.

South Texas:
Coastal Bermuda:
Small squares: FOB or delivered locally:
Good to Premium quality 6.00-7.50;
Fair quality 5.00-6.00 per bale.

Large rounds: FOB:
Premium Quality 70.00-85.00;
Good quality 50.00-70.00;
Poor quality 30.00-40.00 per roll.

See the complete report at

Source: USDA Report


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Crockett Livestock Auction - Feb. 10, 2009

Crockett prices called steady to moderately lower on average supplies.

CROCKETT, TX, Feb. 10, 2009 -- Compared to last week, feeder steers and heifers under 500 lbs were selling 3.00-6.00 lower, over 500 lbs unevenly steady. Slaughter cows and bulls were 1.00-2.00 lower. Trade and demand were moderately active with quality not as attractive as the previous week's offering. The bulk of the livestock supply were Medium and Large 2-3 300-600 lb feeder steers and heifers.

Slaughter cows made up 12 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 2 percent, replacement cows 7 percent, and feeders 79 percent. The feeder supply included 52 percent steers and 48 percent heifers. Nearly 19 percent of the run weighed over
600 lbs.

Cattle and Calves: 798
Week Ago: 811
Year Ago: 795

Medium and Large 1:
200-300 lbs 120.00-124.00;
300-400 lbs 112.00-120.00, fleshy 97.00;
400-500 lbs 97.00-106.00, individual 111.00;
500-600 lbs 86.00-96.00, few to 99.00;
600-700 lbs 79.00-89.00, few to 91.00, calves 86.00-92.00;
700-800 lbs 74.00-79.00, few 85.00-87.00.

Medium and Large 2:
200-300 lbs 110.00-120.00;
300-400 lbs 95.00-105.00, few to 107.00, thin 111.00-122.00;
400-500 lbs 85.00-94.00, few to 103.00, thin 104.00-113.00;
500-600 lbs 82.00-92.00, few to 98.00, thin 99.00;
600-700 lbs 82.00-92.00, individual 88.00, calves 89.00-92.00;
700-800 lbs 74.00-76.00.

Medium and Large 3:
300-400 lbs 86.00-94.00, thin 104.00-107.00;
400-500 lbs 82.00-90.00.

Medium and Large 1:
300-400 lbs 88.00-98.00, few to 103.00;
400-500 lbs 84.00-93.00, fancy 104.00;
500-600 lbs 78.00-80.00, yearlings 78.00-80.00;
600-700 lbs 79.00-80.00;
700-800 lbs 73.00-74.00;
800-900 lbs 74.00-75.00.

Medium and Large 1-2:
pkg 589 lbs 81.50.

Medium and Large 2:
300-400 lbs 80.00-90.00, few to 98.00;
400-500 lbs 74.00-84.00, fancy 85.00-94.00;
500-600 lbs 75.00-85.00, individual 89.00, few to 83.00;
600-700 lbs 73.00-77.00, calves 75.00-82.00;
700-800 lbs 69.00-79.00.

Medium and Large 3:
300-400 lbs 74.00-84.00;
400-500 lbs 75.00-83.00, thin 92.00;
500-600 lbs 77.00-82.00.

Slaughter Cows:
% Lean Weight Avg Dressing Hi Dressing Lo Dressing
Breakers 75-80 1200-1600 45.50-48.50
Boners 80-85 1200-1600 42.00-46.50 50.00-53.00
Boners 80-85 1000-1200 41.50-46.50 49.50-53.50
Lean 85-90 1200-1600 36.50-38.50,
Lean 85-90 1000-1200 30.50-35.50
Lean 85-90 under-800 27.00-30.50

Slaughter Bulls:
Yield Grade 1-2 1400-1730 lbs 51.50-55.50
High Dressing 1705-2320 lbs 58.00-63.50

Replacement Cows:
Medium and Large 1-2:
young 640-970 lb cows 4-8 months bred 500.00-630.00 per head;
middle aged 815-1185 lb cows 2-7 months bred 600.00-820.00 per head;
aged 960-1285 lb cows 5-8 months bred 560.00-700.00 per head.

Cow/Calf Pairs:
Medium and Large 1-2:
middle aged 1055-1080 lb cows w/100-190 lb calves 820.00-900.00 per pair.

Source: Texas Dept of Ag Market News-USDA Market News, Amarillo, TX


Upshur County Fuel Price Update - Feb. 11, 2009

Upshur unleaded gas prices are about even with the average for the Midwestern states, and ten cents below the national average.

Click graphic to enlarge view.
Provided by the Energy Information Administration.

Local Gas and Diesel Prices 01-26-09

Big Sandy1.8592.0292.099
Ore City1.7792.0992.199


Monday, February 9, 2009

Athens Livestock Auction - Feb. 6, 2009

Feeder prices up slightly over last week. Slaughter cattle prices called steady

ATHENS, TX, Feb. 6, 2009 -- Compared to last week, feeder steers firm to 2.00 higher, feeder heifers steady to 2.00 higher. Slaughter cows and bulls steady. Trade was active and demand was good. Bulk supply was mainly medium and large #1-2 400-600 lb feeder steers and heifers.

Slaughter cows made up 10 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 2 percent, replacement cows 3 percent, and feeders 85 percent. The feeder supply included 58 percent steers and 42 percent heifers. Near 21 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs.

Cattle and Calves: 880
Week Ago: 495
Year Ago: N/A

Medium and Large 1:
300-400 lbs 113.00-117.00, few to 123.00;
400-500 lbs 105.00-109.00, few to 113.00;
500-600 lbs 97.00-100.00;
600-700 lbs 80.00-85.00.

Medium and Large 2:
300-400 lbs 100.00-108.00, few to 111.00;
400-500 lbs 90.00-104.00;
500-600 lbs 90.00-96.00;
600-700 lb calves 83.00-86.00;
700-800 lbs 73.00-80.00.

Medium and Large 3:
300-400 lbs 90.00-96.00;
400-500 lbs 90.00-94.00;
500-600 lbs 80.00-86.00;
600-700 lb calves 75.00-76.00.

Medium and Large 1: 300-400 lbs 97.00-100.00.
Medium and Large 2:
300-400 lbs 89.00-96.00;
400-500 lbs 85.00-93.00;
500-600 lbs 75.00-82.00;
600-700 lb calves 74.00-78.00.

Medium and Large 3:
300-400 lbs 81.00-85.00;
400-500 lbs 80.00-83.00.

Slaughter Cows:

%Lean Weight Avg Dressing Hi Dressing Lo Dressing
Boners 80-85 1200-1600 43.00-49.00 50.00-52.50
Boners 80-85 1000-1200 40.00-48.50
Lean 85-90 1200-1600 37.00-40.50
Lean 85-90 1000-1200 35.50-38.50
Lean 85-90 800-1000 34.00-37.50
Lean 85-90 under 800 25.00-29.00

Slaughter Bulls:
Yield Grade 1-2 1300-2100 lbs 49.00-53.50
High Dressing 1725-2000 lbs 55.00-63.00
Low Dressing 1000-1300 lbs 35.00-39.00

Replacement Cows:
Medium and Large 1-2: young 800-965 lb cows 3-7 months bred 62.00-70.00 CWT;
middle aged 995-1390 lb cows 5-8 months bred 58.00-76.00 CWT.

Cow/Calf Pairs:
Medium and Large 1-2: young 900-1250 lb cows w/50-200 lb calves 750.00-830.00 per pair.

Source: Texas Dept of Ag Market News-USDA Market News, Amarillo, TX


SBA Patriot Express Program Reaches $250 Million

SBA Loans Top $250 Million to Vets and Military Community Entrepreneurs

WASHINGTON, DC, Feb. 9, 2009 -- In just 20 months, the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Patriot Express Pilot Loan Initiative has approved more than $250 million in loan guarantees to nearly 2,900 veterans and their spouses who are using the SBA- guaranteed funds to establish and expand their small businesses.

More than 20 percent of the loans have come in the first four months of fiscal year 2009, and overall loan amounts have averaged around $88,000 per loan.
Some 15 percent of the loans have gone to military spouses.

Patriot Express, launched June 28, 2007, builds on the more than $1 billion in loans SBA guarantees annually for veteran-owned businesses, and the counseling assistance and procurement support it provides each year to more than 100,000 veterans, service-disabled veterans and Reserve members. More than 14 percent of businesses in America are owned by veterans.

“Despite the difficulties presented by today’s economy, SBA is committed to helping America’s service men and women who are fighting the War on Terror, and all vets and military spouses,” SBA Acting Administrator Darryl Hairston said. “We believe that Patriot Express, supported by SBA’s other services, goes directly to the needs of these American patriots who wish to start businesses, and in the process encourages job creation and growth, an essential part of the President’s economic agenda.”

Patriot Express is a streamlined loan product based on the agency’s highly successful SBA Express Program, but with enhanced guaranty and interest rate characteristics. The Patriot Express loan is offered by SBA’s network of participating lenders nationwide and features SBA’s fastest turnaround time for loan approvals. Loans are available up to $500,000 and qualify for SBA’s maximum guaranty of up to 85 percent for loans of $150,000 or less and up to
75 percent for loans over $150,000 up to $500,000. For loans above $350,000, lenders are required to take all available collateral.

The Patriot Express loan can be used for most business purposes, including start-up, expansion, equipment purchases, working capital, inventory or business-occupied real-estate purchases. Patriot Express loans feature SBA’s lowest interest rates for business loans, generally 2.25 percent to 4.75 percent over prime depending upon the size and maturity of the loan. Local SBA district offices will have a listing of Patriot Express lenders in their areas.
Details on the initiative can be found at

Interest rate maximums for Patriot Express loans are the same as those for regular 7(a) loans: a maximum of Prime + 2.25 percent for maturities under seven years; Prime + 2.75 percent for seven years or more. Interest rates can be higher by two percent for loans of $25,000 or less; and one percent for loans between $25,000 and $50,000.

Patriot Express is available to military community members including veterans, service-disabled veterans, active-duty service members participating in the military’s Transition Assistance Program, Reservists and National Guard members, current spouses of any of the above, and the widowed spouse of a service member or veteran who died during service, or of a service-connected disability.

Patriot Express loans have been approved in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Guam and generally range from $5,000 to $375,000 in individual loan amounts. After loan applications are approved by the bank, they are submitted to SBA for approval. Most applications are approved by SBA within 24 hours.

SBA has veterans’ business development officers in district offices in every state and territory able to provide military community members full access to the SBA’s range of programs and services. There are also five Veterans Business Outreach Centers located in: Albany, N.Y.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Lynn Haven, Fla.; Edinburg, Texas; and Sacramento, Calif.

In addition to district offices, SBA’s resource partners SCORE, Counselors to America’s Small Business, Small Business Development Centers, and Women’s Business Centers provide local and online assistance with: writing a business plan, financing options to start or grow your business, managing the business, expanding the business and selling goods and services to the government.

For those who are already small business owners and who expect call-up, the SBA and its resource partners have expertise to assist with preparing their businesses before deployment, managing their businesses, selling goods and services to the government, obtaining other SBA financing and financial assistance, and obtaining loans for economic injury – Military Reserve Economic Injury Disaster Loans (MREIDL) – loans of up to $2 million are available for small businesses sustaining economic injury because an owner or essential employee has been called to active duty as a military reservist.

The SBA and its Office of Veterans Business Development (OVBD) provides comprehensive assistance, outreach and support to veterans. Each year the SBA assists more than 100,000 veterans, service-disabled veterans and Reserve Component members. Go to


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