Crockett Livestock Auction - Jan. 13, 2008
Slaughter prices remain firm as steer and heifer prices rise over last week, even with a larger offering.
CROCKETT, TX, Jan. 13, 2008 -- Compared to last week, feeder steers and heifers were going 3.00-5.00 higher, with instances to 7.00 higher. Slaughter cows and bulls firm. Trade and demand strong on a exceptionally good offering of feeders. Bulk supply Medium and Large 2-3 300-600 lb feeder steers and heifers. Slaughter cows made up 16 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 1 percent, replacement cows 3 percent, and feeders 80 percent. The feeder supply included 53 percent steers and 47 percent heifers. Near 25 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs.
Cattle and Calves: 1,561
Week Ago: 911
Year Ago: 1,300
Medium and Large 1: 200-300 lbs 130.00-137.00, individual 175.00; 300-400 lbs 113.00-123.00, few 124.00-134.00; 400-500 lbs 100.00-110.00, few to 119.00; 500-600 lbs 88.00-98.00, few to 108.00; 600-700 lbs 80.00-90.00, few to 94.00, calves 90.00-97.00; 700-800 lbs 72.00-82.00, few to 86.00; 800-900 lbs 75.00-78.00.
Medium and Large 2: 200-300 lbs 114.00-124.00, individual 126.00, thin 134.00-137.50; 300-400 lbs 102.00-112.00, thin 114.00-124.00; 400-500 lbs 90.00-100.00, few to 106.00, thin 109.00-119.00; 500-600 lbs 87.00-97.00, few to 101.00, thin 104.00-106.00; 600-700 lbs 81.00-91.00, few to 92.00, calves 87.00-91.00; 700-800 lbs 76.00-85.00.
Medium and Large 3: 200-300 lbs 105.00-115.00; 300-400 lbs 99.00-107.00, thin 117.00; 400-500 lbs thin 105.00-108.00; 500-600 lbs 81.00-87.00, thin 96.00.
Heifers: Medium and Large 1: 200-300 lbs 152.00; 300-400 lbs 94.00-98.00,
individual 125.00; 400-500 lbs 80.00-90.00, few to 94.00, thin 113.00; 500-600 lbs 80.00-90.00, few to 95.00; 600-700 lbs 74.00-84.00, individual 88.00, calves 94.00-96.00; 700-800 lbs 74.00-76-00, individual 86.00.
Medium and Large 2: 200-300 lbs 120.00; 300-400 lbs 85.00-95.50, thin 96.00-98.00; 400-500 lbs 80.00-90.00, few to 95.00; 500-600 lbs 75.00-85.00, individual 88.00; 600-700 lbs 70.00-79.00, replacement 95.00, calves 79.00-82.00; 700-800 lbs 71.00-76.00; 800-900 lbs 65.00-74.00.
Medium and Large 3: 300-400 lbs 80.00-89.00, thin 93.00-95.00; 400-500 lbs 75.00-85.00, thin 91.00; 500-600 lbs 76.00-81.00; 600-700 lbs 71.00-76.00.
Slaughter Cows:
% Lean Weight Avg. Dressing Hi Dressing Lo Dressing
Breakers, 75-80%, 1200-1600#, Avg 42.50-45.00, Lo 38.50-40.50
Boners, 80-85%, 1200-1600#, Avg 41.50-46.50, Hi 47.50-50.50, Lo 37.00-41.00
Boners, 80-85%, 1000-1200#, Avg 40.50-45.50, Hi 47.00-48.50, Lo 35.50-39.50
Lean, 85-90%, 1200-1600#, Avg 35.50-39.50
Lean, 85-90%, 1000-1200#, Avg 32.50-37.50, Hi 40.50-44.50, Lo 35.50-40.00
Lean, 85-90%, 800-1000#, Avg 27.50-32.50, Hi 35.50-37.50, Lo 25.50-26.50
Slaughter Bulls Yield Grade 1-2 1350-2015 lbs 50.00-55.50
Replacement Cows: Medium and Large 1-2: young 920-1070 lb cows 3-8 months bred 660.00-790.00 per head, fancy 985 lbs cow 7 months bred 940.00 per head; middle aged 980-1530 lb cows 4-8 months bred 730.00-870.00 per head; aged 1025-1395 lb cows 5-8 months bred 600.00-720.00 per head.
Cow/Calf Pairs:
Medium and Large 1-2: young to middle aged 1070-1195 lb cows w/60-100 lb calves 800.00-940.00 per pair; aged 1035-1315 lb cows w/245-260 lb calves 710.00-790.00 per pair.
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