Athens Cattle Auction - Jan. 26, 2009
Feeder and slaughter prices trend higher, head count was higher than last week.
ATHENS, TX., Jan. 26, 2009 -- Compared to last week: Feeder steers firm to 3.00 higher. Feeder heifers steady to 2.00 higher. Slaughter cows and bulls steady to 4.00 higher. Trade and demand good. Bulk supply Medium and Large 1-2 400-700 lb feeder steers and heifers.
Slaughter cows made up 8 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 1 percent, replacement cows 10 percent, and feeders 81 percent. The feeder supply included 62 percent steers and 38 percent heifers. Near 20 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs.
Cattle and Calves: 984
Week Ago: 682
Year Ago: N/A
Medium and Large 1:
300-400 lbs 112.00-117.00, few to 127.50;
400-500 lbs 100.00-104.00;
500-600 lbs 93.00-97.00, few to 100.00;
600-700 lbs 85.00-89.00.
Medium and Large 2:
300-400 lbs 106.00-111.00;
400-500 lbs 93.00-100.00;
500-600 lbs 85.00-92.00;
600-700 lb calves 80.00-86.00;
700-800 lbs 75.00-78.00.
Medium and Large 3:
300-400 lbs 89.00-95.00;
400-500 lbs 87.00-90.00;
500-600 lbs 80.00-84.00.
Medium and Large 2:
300-400 lbs 83.00-91.00;
400-500 lbs 80.00-90.00;
500-600 lbs 75.00-80.00;
600-700 lb calves 74.00-78.00;
700-800 lb 70.00-75.00.
Medium and Large 3:
300-400 lbs 77.00-81.00;
400-500 lbs 75.00-79.00.
Slaughter Cows:
%Lean Weight Avg Dressing Hi Dressing Lo Dressing
Breakers 75-80 1200-1600 45.00-48.50
Boners 80-85 1200-1600 44.50-49.50 50.00-52.50
Boners 80-85 1000-1200 41.50-49.00
Lean 85-90 1000-1200 35.00-38.00
Lean 85-90 800-1000 34.00-37.50 20.00-25.50
Slaughter Bulls:
Yield Grade 1-2 1300-2100 lbs 52.00-57.00
Low Dressing 1000-1300 lbs 42.00-48.00
Replacement Cows:
Medium and Large 1-2:
young 630-1125 lb cows 4-8 months bred 52.50-60.00 CWT;
middle aged 840-1415 lb cows 4-8 months bred 48.00-67.00 CWT;
aged 800-1400 lb cows 3-8 months bred 32.00-50.00 CWT.
Cow/Calf Pairs:
Medium and Large 1-2:
aged 775-1185 lb cows w/50-200 lb calves 360.00-660.00 per pair.
Source: Texas Dept of Ag Market News-USDA Market News, Amarillo, TX
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